Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Sayang Kinabalu.... Loving Kinabalu

heloo everyone... do u all have seen or listen the song of "sayang-sayang kinabalu" from kimin mudin?.. this song is very famous in sabah and maybe malaysia as well. This song taking about sabah land and what are the sabah has that u should see and visit.

here is the real song by kimin mudin......

Credit for:tontohu (posting to youtube)---(waiii gaman apasal pakai nickname mcm ni.. hahahaha)

it interesting right?... but the video below it really really interesting.... come check it out.....

Credit for: eyanfian (posting to youtube)

This song (sayang kinabalu) played by Dusun instrument from bamboo orchestra team(child).....

very very interesting bcoz i never imagine that dusun instrument can play or make a beautiful sound like that.....

check it out ok..... GBU...

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